Let the randomness become order

“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibrations” (Nicolas Tesla). Replace the word “think” by “act” and you will get a powerful tool to use in your day-to-day life…

This gorgeous painting by Mariana Heilmann has travelled with me since more than a decade now. She uses the idea of interrelationships [between all of us] and explores how energy manifests itself from microscopic to macroscopic scales. Her drawing is a “result of sustained repetitive mark making”, “the process demands suspension of thought and a spontaneous release of energy”, so she’s able “to witness and record how continuous, random and chaotic movement tends to an order”. She combines this to the use of x-rays and cell or particle imagery and makes a fundamental matter research in various forms. (For references check her website here ).

Having received these canvasses as a gift from my mother, I would never imagine these could influence me so deeply and I believe this is not a coincidence (this often reminds me of the appealing signs and drawings in the movie  “Arrival” inspired from science fiction novella “Story of your life” by Ted Chiang).

I became addicted to everything that related to spirals and circles in the art masterpieces… Starting from apparent spirals in Van Gogh’s and Monnet’s paintings or Hokusai’s Kanagava waves and ending with the Armenian eternity symbol reflected in most of Ancient temples and “Khatchkars“, I relentlessly searched for the meaning of this repetitive and yet very scalable concept.

Van Gogh (Starry Night)

I came up with something that closely relates to the concept of Tao (dao in Chinese signifying “the way”, “the path”, the “supreme being”), in other words the “natural order of the universe”. According to Laozi, the essence of Tao cannot be understood as a concept, but rather lived as an experience of everyday being. It is the fundamental force, energy, that creates everything, the essence of the reality and even “the original matrix of the universe before its creation”. Modern scientists refer to this as a “dark matter”.

dark matter interactions in universe
the dark “unknown” universe

Since this is something non-conceptual, there is no point to further describe it. Rather, let us provide with some examples of how this can be lived. Tao – or if you prefer, “Energy” (I know this is a very rough and brutal shortcut but still useful for a better contextualization) – is the reason why all randomness in our life, combined to our own “will” and “acts”, necessarily tend to an order and we may experience it through many different ways.

There are no wrong passwords

In your life path changes throughout years you may notice that most of time this occurred once you started aligning yourself to a specific mood, state of mind, topics, people, way of living, habits, etc… This is called the Resonance. Britannica defines this as a “large selective response of an object or a system that vibrates in […] phase, with an externally applied oscillatory force” (link). Carl Jung often emphasized the role of external influences over the construction of the various archetypes of our “self” (again, sorry for a rude shortcut on Jung’s theories that are more complex and much more elaborated than this).

This is to point out that our “self” acts as a hacker who enters each time different passwords into the reality matrix and obtains access to the realities that most closely correspond to the entered password. Notice, it is the reality that unlocks the functioning of a password, not the opposite. In other words, password is the frequency and vibrations we create based on our way of thinking, acting, imagining, accepting and conceiving things.

Apply here the rule of the “natural order”. Knowing the way energy behaves, you will know more or less where you are heading to. The many undertakings or thoughts that turn in your head do not necessarily conduct you to your imagined or desired reality (no password – result correlation) but rather to the reality which mostly aligns with them. Hence, you may rather forsee your trajectory than the final destination. It is still something, isn’t it? No randomness possible here. This is very close to the quantum physics theories, but we are not going to dive into it for now.

The natural trend to the wholeness

Another trend of the Tao consists in purely internal psyche phenomena.

Among other concepts, Jung also “identified the innate drive towards our own wholeness as existing a priori – as an inherited drive and a drive that is universal” (Thanks to Therese Bimka for this summary). Energy trends again.

This relates to the “way” mentioned in our previous articles about the art of making connections. We highlighted the nerve cell way of self-development: inter-relating to others, connecting to the whole rather than embracing the whole. Now we may go even further: the natural trend can lead you to a greater level of harmony shall you want so.

How? Laozi suggests being flexible, behaving as an artist: at some parts we follow the natural appeal of the energy and at some other parts we guide this move whenever required. You still need to master it of course or else you won’t be called an artist. Nevertheless, it is by connecting both the spontaneous release of energy and our perception of it, that we may achieve this and perceive harmony.

Some people assert only the release of energy matters, others say everything can be and must be controlled. We say “follow the energy and guide it in the same time”, like a “water”. Seize the subtle character of the energy and let it express itself through the channel that causes most of benefits and that harms the least.

Take example of someone waiting in a queue. The person gets bored and either opts for paying attention to something else to forget about waiting (smartphone?) or releasing its negative emotions about waiting. However, the best ever opportunity this person could seize would be – to pay attention to its emotions in fact. Choose both options. This will make the person explore a whole new world, new questioning, new understanding and new ideas, far more creativity than just playing angry birds on the smartphone…. :). Enabling such an awareness will help to better channel your emotions, plans and ideas and avoid wasting them on self-destruction or self-distraction (both lead to the same outcomes…).

Wrap up

Determine firmly your objective, then release the grasp on energy and focus rather on the flow of energy than on the outcome. This is how Tao would apply to our life-impacting situations. As a painter holding a brush and twisting it with flexibility and yet determination, you would act the same way.

I conclude these thoughts by sharing an interesting experience that sums up all the above mentioned topics.

I was having an interview with a Senior Director of a worldwide known company. He started with the usual “tell me about yourself”. I was pretty well prepared for this, but I still hated that question. He noticed I was stressed and asked, “are you nervous?”.

This is where I felt “it’s enough, let this just go its way, stop controlling everything”. I replied “Yes, of course I am. Why wouldn’t I? I don’t know you, I don’t know this place, so naturally yes, I am nervous, but this will pass away throughout our conversation”. Starting from there I felt an immediate relief of energy and each time the person tried to restrain me I always allowed him and myself some higher level of flexibility both in mind and in expression simply by directing the attention to the right channel.

Whenever the person needed to talk I let him talk, whenever the person needed concrete answers, I directed my energy flow into it. It almost became a game where I had nothing to lose but where I was more concerned by the way I was channeling myself rather than the outcome. I did not accept the position they offered but I learnt a lot from this meeting.

The art of making connections

“There are only two ways of developing yourself in this world: the nerve cell way and the cancer cell way. The first rather expands itself through others by making connections and accepting them totally. The latter expands itself at the cost and detriment of others and destroys itself and others”. (“The magic of immortality”, Burislav Severest).

I completely ignore whether the author of this sentence is a wise master or a fake one and to be honest, I do not really care for. Yet, I am sure he took this from a powerful source since it appears robust enough, as if it was rooted deeply into an intuitively accessible knowledge.

A connection is an asset. Knowing how to make it – an art. Life consists in connections of every kind: your attention to these sentences, the first thing you will have in mind related to them a minute later, your mood at the end of this article, at the end of this day – the general feeling about your accomplishments… What are you connected to and what is connected to you? Have you ever asked yourself this question?

The nerve cell reproduces exactly what an intelligent form of life does everywhere: optimizing its duplication and reproducing its connections/links as much as needed to form an optimized organism. Explore the nature, everywhere you will see intelligently repeating patterns. Explore successful people, every one of them repeats intelligently successful life schemes.

What’s the key to read through this? Let us say “links”, or if you prefer “connections”. Humans only can behave through two main patterns: connecting or competing. The latter consists in a self-affirmation and the fact of taking advantage of something. Many have been taught since their childhood: “defeat others before you get defeated”, “win or lose”, “get rich or die poor”, “be someone or you’ll be nothing”.

On the contrary, the first option – connecting – invites you to get interested in life’s different facets and consider the great wealth it represents from all perspectives. This option will invite children to reflect on their life’s outcomes: “did you check how he got so far in his career so you could do same?”, “do you know what made you fail?”, “have you tried everything you could?”, “what else could you do to improve your situation?” – notice how contrasting this sounds compared to what you have just read.

You wonder where does this insatiable optimism come from?  Well, let me ask you the following question: consider your life’s all unfulfilled wishes, thoughts, dreams, doubts and fears – what is each worth? Nothing. Absolute zero life value and zero kinetic energy. Not only this is not worth of anything, it has created much frustration and negative emotions in your body. Concretely, you have sold yourself an indefinitely delayed project and then argued in favor of using someone else’s projects or ideas to make your living.

This is exactly how the destructive cell works: it delays its own production of necessary tools for energy development and instead takes on other cells. How does this end? Vampirism

And now consider the alternatives that you have already fulfilled – what is this worth?  Everything. You have learnt, acquired experience, made some discoveries, spared the knowledge that mattered to you and made your life records. You are not selling yourself anything, you are like a child with the Eastern eggs – trying to uncover what matters to you the most right at this moment. To do this – you relate to others, you relate to everything, all the hints that can help you navigate your way – you play the game of unconditional expansion of the knowledge. Knowledge of your “self”, knowledge of your “thoughts”, knowledge of the world’s phenomena, knowledge of your senses…

This is exactly how the nerve cell works. How does this end up? Gratitude.

Some crazy auto-healing techniques that will do you good in all times

The list is long, yet exclusive. Auto-healing is not only about miracle recipes (even though you’ll find some bits of those here) but also about simple day-to-day tricks that will help you stay in a good shape. Whether you work or got retired (or both 🙂 ), this will do you good.

“Mens sans in corpore sano” – healthy mind in a healthy body. This sums up the non-exhaustive list of techniques descried below. However, before we start our noble “body sanitizing” mission, let’s answer to some fundamental “why’s” regarding this portfolio of “sure values”.

Why should I do this?

In today’s world we spend less time improving our physical condition. We work hard and consume hard. The latter applies to our health as well and it is very unfair to see people working all their lifes and ending up with a poor health and aged cells. If there are things that really work why not using them now? No matter if you are old or young, you can take advantage of those tricks right away.

Why would I heal myself?

Because the root cause of many diseases lies deeply in the psychic state of the patients. Because, the patient and the healer must form one, as suggests Stefan Zweig in his less known “Healing the Spirit”. We must be responsible and acting for our health since we are one with our body. Most of time we let the body be inspected by experts and prefer rather not participating in any self-examination in a kind as it fears us.

Why should this work?

The modern medicine is built in a way that it deprives us from a direct access to our vital information until we suffer and primitively complain about a pain or illness. The only answer it brings is “alopaty”. Eliminating symptoms. The ancient medicine behaved differently. The wise approach would be to enable the full participation of the patient so as to both identify the root causes and eliminate those without even paying attention to the symptoms. Take a tour of the biography of the best world known healers (Edgar Cayce, Master Philippe de Lyon, Vanga, Carl Gustav Jung, Zigmund Freud): they always required the patient to participate in their own healing. Why wouldn’t you do that too?

1. Auto-healing techniques for small illness

If you have a flu, fever, caugh, cold, rhinitus etc., forget about everything, there is nothing to do than to boost your immune system. The best helpers are:

  • DB-DV-DS : stands for Deep Breathing – Deep Visualisation – Deep Sleep. Start eyes-closed with the deep breathing (lay down comfortably, preferably covered) and visualize just one color: shining gold light across the whole body. Fix it for at least 15 minutes and vizualise the gold light that is cleaning up the disease from your body. At the same time, at every exhalation relax/release your muscles until you fall asleep. 30 minutes of such a sleep replace over 3 hours of normal sleep. See the effects at the awakening.
  • Immunity boosting asanas: Setu Bandhasana, Hastapadasana, Matsyasana, Dhanurasana, Viparita Karani, Bhujangasana (preferably drink some hot water just before doing this asana).
  • Quick recipes: clean a whole ginger and press it. Put some hot (not boiled) water over the pressed ginger and let it infuse 5 minutes. Add a spoon of honey and let this mixture infuse for another 5 minutes. Add a half spoon of lemon juice and a half spoon of hacked turmeric and wait another 3 minutes. Infuse a tea with flower’s petals and add the previously obtained mixture by passing it through a filter. Drink the whole potion in one go. See the effects and don’t forget to smile.
  • Pranayama techniques: Last but not the least, if you really have no choice and feel ready to take risks (warning: this practice is not recommended for people in bad physical condition) you might want to try out the couple of pranayama codes described here below.

2. Auto-healing techniques for immediate effects

Need a quick boost of energy? Try this one:

Inhale during 6 seconds, hold breath for 4 seconds and exhale during 8 seconds. Repeat it 6 times. A the last cycle simply exhale as long and slowly as you can, till you have no air anymore in the chest. As you create vacuum, your stomach will tend to shrink down. Hold on without breathing and check your pulse (count until 10). You’ll notice how it slows down until almost pausing… Don’t be afraid. Your heart won’t have time to stop because you will want to inhale back again. This is where a huge dose of energy will fill up your body spontaneously. This is it, an energy booster to be used with moderation.

Need to quickly wake up your body and the whole organism? Try out this acupuncture trick:

Rub your ears in particular points as long as you can. It consists of a massage. By pushing on the acupuncture point on the ears you instantly wake up your hole organism, especially in the inner side of the ears.

Want to calm down quickly or remove some stress or emotions?

Take a deep breath, hold it and roll up your tongue so you touch the very edge of the upper pallet. Exhale very slowly through the mouth. Repeat this three times. By rolling up the tongue you slow heart rythme and contribute to cooling down your emotional state.

Suffering from insomnia?

Close your eyes and direct them to the middle of your front, as if you were looking at your third eye. Hold this for 5 minutes, then simply observe your thoughts as if you were sitting in the cinema hall. The brain hates it since this overloads dramatically its capacity, therefore the system shuts down pretty fast 🙂 . Have nice dreams!

3. Auto-healing techniques assumed to be working for heavier issues

Example of an advanced Pranayama technique:

This technique has been described in Gheranda Samhita – one of the oldest and most respected yoga sources – and consists in three Pranayama exercises.

Cautions: Be careful, these practices are extremely difficult to complete and you need to have an advanced level in Pranayama. Thus, we recommend this only for people with some record of Yoga practice. However, if you are a beginner and have some serious reasons to try this out, you may be lucky and nicely surprised shall you put enough effort and will (we went through this too so we know what we’re talking about).

The techniques translation from the original text have been obtained from a yoga master who perfectly knows both sanskrit, tamil and other related languages. First, proceed with 10 Bhastrika repetitions (yoga breathing, see here for more details). Then attack one by one the three exercises:

Exercise 1: After 10 Bhastrikas, take immediately a deep breath and hold it for one minute. In the meantime hold one hand over another and turn it circularly as if you were brushing it. After a minute, exhale slowly (keep brushing) until you empty the lungs. Feel your lower hand tingling. Repeat the same cycle but change the hands.

Exercise 2: Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Take a deep, silent and slow breath. Hold it as much as you can. Now close the left nostril with the auricular and the ring finger and release the right nostril, exhale very smoothly and silently. Breathe in now with the right nostril, hold breath likewise (as much as you’re able) and exhale through the left one accordingly. This makes one cycle. You should ideally complete 5 cycles.

Exercise 3: Take a deep breath, pump the lungs, stretch the stomach and hold as much as you can without breathing. Close one nostril and exhale slow with the other one. Proceed accordingly by alternating nostrils. Repeat 10 times.

Repeat those three exercises twice a day, everyday.

Benefits: Simply put, three months of such a practice will heal you from any physical disease, except of course very serious illness. If you want to try an even more advanced level you can play with the Exercice n°2. Simply codify it as follows: 12 seconds inhalation, 48 seconds hold the breath, 24 seconds exhalation. This is the 12-48-24 code, known for miraculous effects if practiced over 30 minutes long. Further on, the code 24 – 72 – 48 (insanely difficult) will bring even more surprising results. The code 48 – 96 – 72 is told to bring enlightenment to its followers (I know nobody who achieved this code so far 🙂 ).


To sum up this review of useful tricks, you would notice many of them come from some ancient practices and there is no surprise those time-proven methods work. However, as we have already mentioned in the beginning, the exclusivity of such practices depends on the state, the level of maturity and the readiness of the patient. The key to healing every disease still remains the understanding of its root causes and usually lies lot more in psychic phenomena rather than in physical symptoms or diagnosis.

Life changing “Transurfing” tips to live your dreams

How could an ex-Russian quantum physicist and author help you achieve any dreams you might have and become the happiest person you could ever imagine?

Vadim Zeland has a proven track record in this specialty. His concept of “Transurfing” – the art of surfing through the reality and transforming it – has hit bestsellers’ records and there are some good reasons for it. (Check it out here).

First and furthermost, it really works.  I have personally tested this – for several years – and I must acknowledge I obtained exactly what I needed and am quite happy about it.

Secondly, there are thousands of testimonials you can read through on internet. You’ll be even more convinced in it after reading the books and understanding the principle concepts of Transurfing.

Last but not the least, Vadim Zeland’s life and achievements demonstrate the effectiveness of Transurfing techniques. From a poor IT Specialist he became an Independent New Rich, a best-selling author and one of the most coveted conference guests.

This is enough evidence, however, it could really take some time to fully assimilate all the concepts of Transurfing and sometimes you need to ensure you get the full picture until this knowledge can really be applicable and bring concrete results. For this reason, I think it considerably makes a huge difference to get slightly more familiar with such a knowledge before jumping in the literature. Put in a short and effective way you may get some actionable tips that truly work so you are convinced to start with the further techniques and dive into the breathtaking lecture of the 5 + extra volumes of the bestseller.

Interested? Let’s have a closer look at what’s Transurfing is about and how it can change your life.

1. What is Transurfing?

It can be summarized in just one sentence: A complete and systematic ancestral knowledge combining visualization, behavioral, self-development and psychic techniques enabling you to play within unknown rules of reality and get to the state you mostly and truly desire and deserve.

2. What do I need to succeed in Transurfing?

Ingredients: Belief (at least 50% of the practice time), Determination (100%), Energy (10 to 30% of all your mental and physical energy available), Focus (you should be able to control at least 70% of your attention), Imagination (no limits), Self-confidence (as much as you have for the time being), Self-inspection and self-listening ability (same as in the previous), Emotional Intelligence (at least an Emotional Quotient (EQ) above the average), Discipline (100%).

3. How long does it take in average to make a dream come true?

It varies, but, in average and in most cases, if you meet the three essential conditions, you are guaranteed a 100% result within 3 to 6 Months depending on the level of complexity.

4. What are those three essential conditions to meet?

The first condition is to have a clearly established objective, as clear as possible. It must be a final objective, a final state you want to see yourself in. No intermediary stages, no “how to”s, just a final product that you must choose from the infinite possibilities’ catalogue. This is the principle of quantum reality.

The second conditions is the unity of mind and soul. If this is not the case it is never going to happen, no matter how much energy you will put it. The unity of mind and soul means the alignment of what your mind wants and what your heart tells you. If this is not reached the dreams fulfillment will take more time than needed. Hence you must be really good in both listening your heart appeals and managing your mind’s capacity to project itself in the future. The secret tip here is being a Silent Observer so as to be able to identify those alignment opportunities and make them come true…

The third condition – no matter how simplistic it sounds – is to allow yourself to get what you are intended to.  It simply consists in shifting the paradigm: you are not striving for a goal’s accomplishment, you are letting yourself come to that and letting the world help you get there. The key is the “intention”: the way it is formulated, handled, expressed and circulated. You do not want, you do not desire, you are just totally aligned and aware that you need that “something” so you are intended to getting to this situation somewhere on your life path where this “something” is delivered to you.

5. Are the techniques difficult?

Not at all, just sometimes it can appear a bit redundant if you are new to this. You must carry on your way and see the big picture. See it as a game – that’s probably the best advice I can give. It must be an adventure so you can enjoy fulfilling your dreams. After all, these are techniques and they can be mastered. This knowledge has deep sense and there is no random it has been canalized nowadays.

6. What tips and tricks can I use starting from now?


M: for Mirroring. According to Transurfing, your entire life is nothing but a mirror of yourself. You smile – the mirror smiles. You behave like someone who’s intended to hit a world record no matter what others say – life will do everything to conduct you to that state no matter what others say. You are generating positive thoughts every day – You will start seeing even more of those in your reality.

A: for Alignement. You wish you could be a CEO but you are not particularly happy about this – it won’t happen or in the worst case it will happen but you would have wasted time, energy and even greater opportunities. You wish you were traveling more but your mind and reason considers you’re fool as you have no ressources required for this – it won’t happened neither or it won’t happen until you understand your mind is blocking you from undertaking wise steps into some uncovered opportunities. Alignement of mind and soul is key. They must agree and become friends and everything will be possible.

K: for Knowledge. Information is key, knowledge is the door. In front of any choice you will make it is crucial to be well guided. Therefore, acquire a complete knowledge of the overall Transurfing system so you prevent yourself from being discouraged in the half way to the victory. As long as you have parceled and weak knowledge on how the whole thing works you won’t feel comfortable, hence you won’t be confident and won’t be able to project properly your thoughts, energy and will.

E: for Energy. Everything requires energy. This aspect has been discussed earlier. Check out the “Apocryphal Transurfing” to learn more about energizing resources and techniques.

Hope this makes sense to you. Enjoy further reading!